Settings for annotation of isotopic and adduct features. The method uses the maxIsotopes
to define the
maximum length of the isotopic chain. The list of candidate features is build with the rtWindowAlignment
and the
maximum mass increment to match the maximum chain length. Then, the mass difference of the natural isotopes and a
given monoisotopic ion (i.e., feature) are targeted. Each candidate is then evaluated according to the mass error and
the expected relative intensity. Adducts are annotated by the mass difference of the monoisotopic ion and the adduct
ion. Elements considered for annotation of isotopes are C, H, N, O, S, Cl, Br and Si, which are the most relevent for
organic molecules. The adducts considered are Na+, K+, NH4+, CH3OH+, DMSO+, CH3CN+ for positive ionization and
Cl-,Br-, -2H+Na, -2H+K, CHO2- and CH3COO- for negative ionization. In-source fragments are not yet annotated in the
current version but planned.
rtWindowAlignment = 0.3,
maxIsotopes = 8,
maxCharge = 1,
maxGaps = 1
- rtWindowAlignment
Numeric (length 1) with the proportion of the monoisotopic feature time window to be used for retrieving isotopic candidates.
- maxIsotopes
Numeric (length 1) with the maximum number of isotopic steps.
- maxCharge
Numeric (length 1) with the maximum charge that ions can be ionized to find isotopes.
- maxGaps
Numeric (length 1) with the maximum of allowed gaps in isotopic chains.