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Settings for generating compounds using MetFrag. The algorithm is used via the function generateCompounds from the package patRoon. Therefore, it is highly recommended to check the original documentation of the function in patRoon for more details.


  method = "CL",
  timeout = 300,
  timeoutRetries = 5,
  errorRetries = 5,
  topMost = 5,
  dbRelMzDev = 8,
  fragRelMzDev = 10,
  fragAbsMzDev = 0.005,
  adduct = NULL,
  database = "comptox",
  extendedPubChem = "auto",
  chemSpiderToken = "",
  scoreTypes = patRoon::compoundScorings("metfrag", "comptox", onlyDefault = TRUE)$name,
  scoreWeights = 1,
  preProcessingFilters = c("UnconnectedCompoundFilter", "IsotopeFilter"),
  postProcessingFilters = c("InChIKeyFilter"),
  maxCandidatesToStop = 100,
  identifiers = NULL,
  extraOpts = NULL



Character (length 1) with the method to be used for MetFrag execution: "CL" for MetFragCL and "R" for MetFragR.


Numeric (length 1) with the maximum time (in seconds) before a MetFrag query for a feature group is stopped.


Numeric (length 1) with the maximum number of retries after reaching a timeout before completely skipping the MetFrag query for a feature group.


Numeric (length 1) with the maximum number of retries after an error occurred.


Numeric (length 1) with the maximum number of top candidates to be returned.


Numeric (length 1) with the relative mass deviation, in ppm, for the database search.


Numeric (length 1) with the relative mass deviation, in ppm, for the fragment search.


Numeric (length 1) with the absolute mass deviation, in Da, for the fragment search.


Character (length 1) with the adduct to be used for the MetFrag annotation.


Character (length 1) with the database to be used for the MetFrag annotation. Valid values are: "pubchem", "chemspider", "for-ident", "comptox", "pubchemlite", "kegg", "sdf", "psv" and "csv".


Extended PubChem database is used for the MetFrag annotation when database is "pubchem". Valid values are: FALSE (never use it), TRUE (always use it) or "auto" (default, use if specified scorings demand it).


Character (length 1) with the ChemSpider token to be used for the MetFrag annotation when database is "chemspider".


Character vector with the score types to be used for the MetFrag annotation.


Numeric vector with the score weights to be used for the MetFrag annotation.


Character vector with the pre-processing filters to be used for the MetFrag annotation.


Character vector with the post-processing filters to be used for the MetFrag annotation.


Numeric (length 1) with the maximum number of candidates to be returned before stopping the MetFrag query for a feature group.


A list containing for each feature group a character vector with database identifiers that should be used to find candidates for a feature group (the list should be named by feature group names). Can be NULL.


A named list containing further settings MetFrag.


A ProcessingSettings S3 class object with subclass MassSpecSettings_GenerateCompounds_metfrag.


Detailed documentation can be found in generateCompoundsMetFrag.


Ruttkies C, Schymanski EL, Wolf S, Hollender J, Neumann S (2016). “MetFrag relaunched: incorporating strategies beyond in silico fragmentation.” Journal of cheminformatics, 8(1), 1--16.

Ruttkies C, Neumann S, Posch S (2019). “Improving MetFrag with statistical learning of fragment annotations.” BMC bioinformatics, 20(1), 1--14.

Ruttkies C, Schymanski EL, Strehmel N, Hollender J, Neumann S, Williams AJ, Krauss M (2019). “Supporting non-target identification by adding hydrogen deuterium exchange MS/MS capabilities to MetFrag.” Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 411, 4683--4700.

Wolf S, Schmidt S, Müller-Hannemann M, Neumann S (2010). “In silico fragmentation for computer assisted identification of metabolite mass spectra.” BMC bioinformatics, 11, 1--12.

Helmus R, ter Laak TL, van Wezel AP, de Voogt P, Schymanski EL (2021). “patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening.” Journal of Cheminformatics, 13(1). doi:10.1186/s13321-020-00477-w .

Helmus R, van de Velde B, Brunner AM, ter Laak TL, van Wezel AP, Schymanski EL (2022). “patRoon 2.0: Improved non-target analysis workflows including automated transformation product screening.” Journal of Open Source Software, 7(71), 4029. doi:10.21105/joss.04029 .