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Trim spectra in mzML or mzXML files based on time (in seconds) and m/z (in Da) ranges, using the mzR package.


  MS1 = TRUE,
  MS2 = TRUE,
  rtWindow = NULL,
  mzWindow = NULL,
  mzWindow_ms2 = NULL,
  intensityThreshold = NULL,
  copyMetadata = TRUE,
  path = NULL,
  prefix = "trim_"



A character vector with the full path of the file/s to trim.


Set to TRUE for trimming MS level 1 data.


Set to TRUE for trimming MS level 2 data.


A numeric vector of length 2 with the minimum and maximum time range to trim the files, in seconds.


A numeric vector of length 2 with the minimum and maximum m/z range to trim the files, in Da.


A numeric vector of length 2 with the minimum and maximum m/z range to trim MS2 data files, in Da. when NULL and MS2 is TRUE the mzWindow argument is used instead.


A numeric vector of length one with the minimum intensity threshold. Traces below the given intensity threshold are removed. If a length two vector is given, the first value if applied for MS1 data and the second to MS2 data.


Set to TRUE to copy metadata from the original file.


A character string with the path to save the files. When NULL, the file directory is used instead.


A character string with the name prefix for the new trimmed file.


Saves the trimmed mzML or mzXML files in a given path, adding a pre-defined prefix to the file name.


When giving paths make sure that single backslash is changed to double backslash of to single forward slash.


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